So why change the title of my Blog? Well, I had been doing a lot of thinking lately. It happens from time to time, I just get lost in a well of thoughts that masqurades as dreams. Okay, maybe that's too poetic.
I guess the thing is that as I read over old posts here I realize that I'm not always talking about just writing, I'm talking about the things that make up who I am. Since writing is an integral part of that the reality is that I'm talking about my journey. It's not one of becoming a writer, no I'm that already, it's a journey to self-discovery through my writing.
I've been having a bunch of confusing dreams lately and unfortunately I don't remember enough of them to put them to words. I just know it's confusing because I wake up confused or out of touch. Like I'm not inside my skin until I'm awake. I suppose I could be astral projecting, but I've only done that once under very controlled...and lucky....circumstances. I'd go into it, but honestly I think it's more for my private journal than for anything someone might find on the internet. If I do figure it out I'll probably mention it here because I think it plays a big part on my journey. I just don't know how though.
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