Wednesday, 7 January 2009

It's the New Year

Well, as you all know, we're in 2009. Whoo hoo! It's starting out wonderfully for me so far.....I'm working out to get thinner and healthier, I'm trying to eat more regularly which leads to another irritation of mine, which I may or may not get into later. And on the 9th I'm going to be starting school again. Yipee!.......okay, I'm not as excited about it as I usually am. I liked being on vacation so to speak from learning and doing anything that required strenuous thinking beyond what I wanted to think about. Oh well, hopefully my enthusiasm for it will come after I start.

Then, my biggest resolution, finish the blasted book! We all have resolutions that we make every single year, or at least a list of of them. It's fairly simple, the first five.

1. Loose weight
2. Spend more time with my family
3. Clean the house more regularly
4. Get out of the house more often...aka, make more friends

At least this year I'm a bit closer after what, 14 1/2 years of saying that resolution? You know, in thinking about it if I was asked what my biggest accomplishment was I'd have to say that I've never given up being a writer. I've given up so many things in my life, usually when they were half completed, but writing a book...writing several books....never gave that up. It's my dream, my quest. I suppose in the scheme of things we all need that one obsessive project. Mine is SGU and the book. I just need to be a bit more dedicated. Write on one story every day, not change which story I'm writing each day. Hey, at least I do write every day though.

I'm at page 80 of my manuscript, working on editing it more regularly than I have been. It's been ebbing from frequent to only one page a day, which is hard enough because I sometimes feel like I'm a slacker in regards to it. Though, in retrospect the fact that I only started last August and I'm at page 80 after already adding over 100,000 more words to it isn't that bad, but if I hope to have it finished by my birthday, I need to really start cracking.

There are just days when it's easier to not worry about it than to actually sit down with it.....

So here's my resolution for my book. I will work on it every day, even if it's just a few sentences. Yeah, that sounds good......

Here's hoping.

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