Sunday 16 May 2010

Inspiration comes from the oddest of places

Today me and the kids had gone out shopping and somehow, I'm not sure what spurred it, but my 6 year old and I started talking about a city in the clouds. I think it began because we were talking about cars that fly or something like that. As it is with all six year old girls, the discussion about what would be in the city was grass, Unicorns, schools (yay) and so forth.

Then Raven asked me, "Would that city last forever Mommy?"

My answer, unbidden and totally unthinkingly I answered, "Until the power goes out."

I honestly don't know why that popped in my head, but this gives an idea of how my mind works. I had this perfect vision of my head of the City of Clouds in Star Wars falling to the planet all because the power went on the fritz. Imagine for a moment...blink, blink, darkness then screams as gravity takes hold and the whistling of the air as it streaks down to the planet. The whistle in the ears and the pressure of gravity pushing the human body against the floors which prevents anyone from moving beyond reaching out to the hand of the person next to you....

And I got all of this from talking to my 6 year old!

I'm not unused to the idea of my daughter, but usually she inspires my art. Very rarely does she ever inspire my writing though. Not that I mind, okay, I mind a little bit only because what came from the inspiration was one of violence, terror and what could be a horrible event if it goes to the eventual conclusion that could happen.

Oh well, it happens from time to time and since I have this mind that tends to twist even the most innocent of items to the most peculiar images. Remember, it always starts with just an idea then moves into something totally unique.

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