Wednesday 26 May 2010

Stinking Commas

There are so many aspects in regard to writing that it's sometimes very difficult to make sure that you cross every t, dot every i and place every stinking comma in the right place. I am starting to hate those stinking commas.

Here's the situation, I have this site that I've recently joined...okay, not so recently, I joined it in January. It's called and this is a site for writers to post their work and get review from other writers. It does help in pointing out what the problem areas are in your own writer, but let's be honest shall we? It's mostly an ego booster for writers. You know, a consistent flow of wonderful sounding praise of how wonderful and a great story it is. Some is completely BS of course, but there are the times when someone actually offers up good and practical advice and/or reviews.

In the process of those helpful reviews I have found the one chink in my writing skills. Those stinking comma placements! I usually don't use enough of them apparently, or I use them in the wrong place. And it's surprising that this is my problem. I mean, I've known that grammar isn't my strong suit. Why? Well that's easy, being a military brat has made getting a steady influence of proper grammar at a consistent level. This is of course annoying.

Making it worse is that apparently, surprising, creative writing utilizes a different grammar set of rules than normal writing for e-mails, essays and other forms of written communication. What we learned in school was more than likely are APA or MFA. Oh no, Creative Writing and novels in general are checked with the Chicago Style Guide which is a set of very complicated, very annoying rules that incorporate a hell of a lot more rules.

Why the hell do novels have to hold to a stricter code of grammar????

Sigh, I know the reality is that I can' change it. All I can do is make sure that I learn it. In the meantime I think I'll continue to moan, groan and growl at those stinking commas and hope that the rules will eventually sink into my brain.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Inspiration comes from the oddest of places

Today me and the kids had gone out shopping and somehow, I'm not sure what spurred it, but my 6 year old and I started talking about a city in the clouds. I think it began because we were talking about cars that fly or something like that. As it is with all six year old girls, the discussion about what would be in the city was grass, Unicorns, schools (yay) and so forth.

Then Raven asked me, "Would that city last forever Mommy?"

My answer, unbidden and totally unthinkingly I answered, "Until the power goes out."

I honestly don't know why that popped in my head, but this gives an idea of how my mind works. I had this perfect vision of my head of the City of Clouds in Star Wars falling to the planet all because the power went on the fritz. Imagine for a moment...blink, blink, darkness then screams as gravity takes hold and the whistling of the air as it streaks down to the planet. The whistle in the ears and the pressure of gravity pushing the human body against the floors which prevents anyone from moving beyond reaching out to the hand of the person next to you....

And I got all of this from talking to my 6 year old!

I'm not unused to the idea of my daughter, but usually she inspires my art. Very rarely does she ever inspire my writing though. Not that I mind, okay, I mind a little bit only because what came from the inspiration was one of violence, terror and what could be a horrible event if it goes to the eventual conclusion that could happen.

Oh well, it happens from time to time and since I have this mind that tends to twist even the most innocent of items to the most peculiar images. Remember, it always starts with just an idea then moves into something totally unique.

Friday 14 May 2010

Development of an Idea - Science Fiction

All right, I'm a huge, HUGE fan of science fiction. A love and passion that began with my Father who is an even bigger fan of science fiction than I am....but only because he's been alive longer than I.

One thing I've always wanted to do was write a science fiction story. I want to do this because, a) I love science fiction and b) because it seems like it'd be fun to do. Add c)I have a lot of great ideas for useful technology to the mix and it seems as if it shouldn't fail. Sadly it does because I get caught up in the tiny details. How does xyz item work, why does it work? I want to know, readers probably don't care overly much on the science involved. Oh, sure, they want to know generally that it will work the way it should work. That is makes sense, that it is logical. But whether or not we are taking liberties with the laws of physics, they pretty much give carche blanch. However, I'm one of those people that wants to make it as realistic as possible.

Good for me, bad for story.

It's good for me because I get to learn stuff. Bad for story because I never get to the actual writing of the story.

So what is the solution? Easy! Get someone to help me who can put their foot down and say "It's good enough, let's get on with the writing." Yay! I found someone and she's more than eager to help. Which gives me a new project, something to take my mind off things at home. Yippee, what fun.

The question is, how to really get started. What is the first step. That's, actually, the easy part. You have to decide what you want/need to know/create. For example, Humans in the Galaxy. Makes sense that we'd be around, unless we die out as a race. I hope not, but you never know. Anyway, my friend and I know that we need to have the Human race involved because two of our main characters are half Human.

But the thing is, to make this list we need to decide on the kind of story do we want. So I guess, it's better to say that is our first step. What type of Science Fiction do you want? My friend and I have opted for a science fiction story that is more Firefly and Babylon 5 with a smidge of Star Wars and less Star Trek and Stargate. Should be fun!

I'll keep you up to date on the progress of the development.

Monday 10 May 2010

Yay Britain!

In light of my recent move into a more spiritual life I have endeavored to expand myself into reading news about Pagans in general. Now some of the stuff I've read is what I call, well, bigotry for the most part. XYZ group doesn't want a Pagan festival in their town or see, Wiccan's kill people too and they are worse because they are Wiccan. Or, a personal favorite, because the Nazis might have been (this is a constant discussion apparently about whether or not the Nazis party was Pagan or Christian. It's a discussion I, myself, have been in as well. The point of fact is that some may have been Pagan while others were Christian. Unless you can time travel and ask, we may never know for certain) then obviously being Pagan is wrong because it inspires horrible acts against humanity like the holocaust.

Another favorite was the whole high school up in arms because a boy wanted to build an altar in shop class and apparently now other kids are afraid to go to school for it. My reaction to these are always, "Grow up" or some variation of it.

Yet, despite all the crap, I do read some good stories and today I read two. These two, unfortunately or fortunately depending on your point of view, come from good ole Britannia. All hail the Queen!

The first story I read was about how Pagan's are starting to come to the forefront. Now, don't mistake me, I wish no ill will on the Christian community of the world. Honest I don't as some of my best friends and even my husband is in fact Christian. However, what I think is good about this particular article that I read is that it's showing that Pagans in general, and perhaps even Wiccans specifically, are starting to be recognized as more than just a fad. Here is the article for anyone interested in reading it: Here

That's the fortunate part from my point of view. The unfortunate, again in my point of view, is that it's not also happening in the US. Yes, in fact currently there is a big hoopla about Wiccan's celebrating in a particular area. All sorts of things are being mentioned and it's, well, a hoopla. I'd call them all hooligans, but that doesn't quite sum it up. It's unfortunate that it still happens, but the realist in me realizes that you just can't escape attitudes like that.

Even 50 years from now when religious tolerance is more than something we talk about to actual fact for over 80% of population, there will still be the 20% who deliberately cut off contact with someone of an opposite religion simply because they can't be bothered to accept that not everyone will believe what they believe.

This leads me to the second article which is what ultimately spurred forth this particular post. Again, here comes Britain with a fantastic example for the world. The police have given weight to the Pagan Police Association. Whoo hoo! Go Britain!

If you're interested in the story you can find it here: Here

Okay, so it's not all peaches and cream and I'm sure there are issues involved that I am just not privy to. Especially considering that I'm not British and I lack that really sexy accent they have (no offense but I'm more moved by the guys accent than the girls. Just who I am, I'm sure you ladies have sexy accents too). But let's really think about this whole 'Britain sets example' idea shall we? Despite what others may feel, think or believe, Britain has been one of the more influential countries in the world, especially in regards to the past. While not all the current countries of today were seeded by the British, a fair amount were. Don't believe me? I give you the two most obvious countries. Australia (with their even sexier accent that sounds similar but not quite the same as the British accent) and America.

Even today they are considered a super power and will probably remain so for a very long time. So it is understandable and completely reasonable to think that if they are showing their support for us Pagans that sooner rather than later, the rest of the world will too. Which will be fantastic because then, perhaps soon, the percentage of the Earth's population who pay homage to more than a single God/dess will be able to answer the question of 'what do you believe' with much more than the answer 'alternative' and instead say "I'm a Wiccan." or "I'm a Druid" without the blank stares.

......or at least one can hope right?

Monday 3 May 2010

Flirtting with violence

So I think it was last week when Laurell Hamilton's newest book in the Anita Blake series came out. I was good, I only waited a week before I ran to the book store to snatch it up without so much of a bat of my eye. I was even better in the fact that I didn't race home immediately to read it because I had other things that needed to be taken care of. I was bad though that while me and the kids were eating lunch I caved and read the first five pages instead of talking with the kids. They forgave me though because it's like the family knows and understands. Mommy gets a new book and she must devour. All I can say about Flirt is YUM.

I've talked to few others that share my adoration for the Anita Blake series and say that it's gotten to be too much about violence and sex. I can sympathize with them on this. There is a point when there is too much of both......I think. I haven't met my quota yet, but I'm sure I have a line that shouldn't be crossed. When or if I ever find it I'll probably talk about it. Frankly though there is this well spring of violence that lives within all of us I think that needs or should be tapped. I know a few people that seem to lack either and I marvel at that. I also don't understand it. In some ways I'm sorry for them, but they are happy and it works for me.

Anyway, back to the book.

At the end of the book Laurell Hamilton gave a bit of an explanation of where her ideas come from and how they go from an idea to an actual book. As I read through it I realized that I have much more in common with her than I had initially believed. I mean I don't write stories like she does that has monsters and sex and .... no, wait, I do have the violence. But in regards to our approach to writing, judging from this little bit that I read we have similarities. We both start with a scene then it just sits, grows until it demands attention. She and I both tap into this world that we live in that has pictures of what would happen if the situation went bad. Violence is just a natural part of who we are apparently.

Now, most people who know me would be shocked or surprised at that statement. I've been told for years that I'm sweet, kind and gentle. I wouldn't hurt a fly. It's true, I respect nature and life too much to actually do it. That's why my characters do it for me. I see it clearly, visualize it and let it fester until it's time to put it down on paper. I take it all out there, letting that well of anger and violence flow into the words until there is a character and a situation that sums up the fullness of those desires and impulses. It's comforting, it's fun and it's beautiful. It's me.

So while I flirt with violence, I find that it's a healthy expression. Much better than actually doing it. Curiosity allows me to explore the actions with words instead of an actual activity. Good for the human race, better for my soul and fantastic for my children. It is also partly one of the primary reasons that I have recently started down a more spiritual path because I know that I have to both accept and draw out the impulses that lie beneath the surface into something healthy and worthwhile.

I also know I won't be letting my children read my stories until they are probably 18 or older if I can help it.

Saturday 1 May 2010

Merry Beltane

It's coming to the end of May 1st, also known as May Day to others, but Beltane to me. Sadly I wasn't exactly able to do the ceremony like I wanted to due to it just being me and the kids. But I honored Beltane through decorations and some meditation. Plus the last couple nights I've had inspirations left in a nifty notebook by my bed.

With the coming of Summer, the passing of Spring, it is time to look at new ideas, new concepts. For me that means a full on workout system that should start showing results in a month, plus a new brand of spring cleaning. *Gasp* I'm attempting to be rid of clutter. My mother would faint since I'm one of those kids that was always told "Clean up this mess!" Why the change, because in the drive to be one with the Divine I've looked at my life and realized YIKES, I'm great at the study, but application through my own life. You know, walking the walk and talking the talk. I got the talk, don't have the walk. Walk into my house and you'll see proof.

So I'm putting the books to the side....sort of to the side. I Can't seem to avoid looking and reading snippets, taking notes and thinking (I never stop thinking by the way). But I'm going to try and change how I go about living before I expand the mind at a faster pace. For once I'm working on the physical first and the mind second. To do this my lovely husband said Yes, buy a treadmill. I found a cheap one the only problem is that the belt is moving to the left and won't let me fix it...yet.

Sigh, I hate it when things don't work out exactly as I want it when I want it.

One other note, my darling Raven is always encouraging. She came running up to me and said, "Mom, will you get on the treadmill to loose weight right now?" Little darling that she is. How can I fail with my kids looking at me with those brown eyes of their father that say "You can do anything Mom. Even lift the world."? I can't and I thank the Lord and Lady for giving them to me. Oh and I thank Ike too btw :)